

Maki Nakasuji, Ph.D.

Sophia University
Department of Information and Communication Sciences
Faculty of Science and Technology

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[1] “Prime geodesic theorem via the explicit formula of Ψ for hyperbolic 3-manifolds”, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Vol. 77, Ser.A, pp.130-133, (2001).
[2] “Error term of prime geodesic theorem,” Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, pp.228--241, (2002).
[3] “Arithmetic forms of Selberg zeta functions with applications to prime geodesic theorem”, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Vol. 78, Ser.A, pp.120-125, (2002). (with Tsuneo Arakawa, Shin-ya Koyama)
[4] “Prime geodesic theorem for some noncompact quotients of symmetric spaces of rank one”, Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Vol. 18, No.3, pp.237-256, (2003).
[5] “Prime geodesic theorem for hyperbolic 3-manifolds: general cofinite cases,” Forum Mathematicum, Vol. 16, pp.317-363, (2004) .
[6] “Prime geodesic theorem for higher dimensional hyperbolic manifold”, Transactions of the American mathematical Society, Vol. 358, pp.3305-3328, (2006).
[7] “On the Hadamard product of the Selberg zeta functions I,” (preprint), (with Makoto Minamide).
[8] “Integration on p-adic groups and crystal bases”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol.138, pp.1595-1605, (2010) (with Daniel Bump).
[9] “Casselman’s basis of Iwahori vetors and the Bruhat order”, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol.63, pp.1238-1253, (2011) (with Daniel Bump).
[10] “Generalized Ramanujan conjecture over general imaginary quadratic fields,” Forum Mathematicum, Vol.24, no1.pp85-98, (2012).
[11] “Factorial Schur functions and the Yang-Baxter equation”, Commentarii Mathematici Universitas Sancti Pauli ,(2014), (with Daniel Bump, Peter McNamara).
[12] “Yang-Baxter basis of Hecke algebra and Casselman’s problem (extended abstract)”, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 935-946, (2016) (with Hiroshi Naruse)
[13]“On Schur multiple zeta functions: A combinatoric generalization of multiple zeta functions”, Advances in Mathematics Vol.333, pp.570-619 (2018) (with Ouamporn Phuksuwan, Yoshinori Yamasaki)
[14]“Casselman’s Basis of Iwahori vectors and Kazhdan-Luztig polynomials”, Canadian Journal of Mathematics,Vol.71, Issue 6m 1351--136, (2019) (with Daniel Bump)
[15]“Schur type poly-Bernoulli numbers”, preprint (with Naoki Nakamura)
[16]“Parametrization of Kloosterman sets and SL3-Kloosterman sums”, Advances in Mathematics,Vol.403, (2022) Paper No.108392 (with Eren Mehmet Kiral)
[17]“Expressions of Schur multiple zeta-functions of anti-hook type by zeta-functions of root systems”, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, Vol. 98, pp. 345-377, (2021) (with Kohji Matsumoto)
[18]“Pieri formulas for hook type Schur multiple zeta functions”, preprint (with Wataru Takeda)
[19]“Shuffle product formula of the Schur multiple zeta values of hook type”, preprint (with Wataru Takeda)
[20]“Duality formula nd its generalization for Schur multiple zeta functions”, preprint (with Yasuo Ohno)
[21]“An interpolation of the generalized duality formula for the Schur multiple zeta values to complex functions”, preprint (with Yasuo Ohno and Wataru Takeda)

[1] “Error term of prime geodesic theorem”, 解析的整数論研究会報告集, pp.137-149, (2001).
[2] “Some spectral problem and prime geodesic theorem”, Seminar on mathematical sciences, no.31, pp.55-82,(2004).
[3] “On the Hadamard product of the Selberg zeta functions”, (with Makoto Minamide), 数理研講究録(2006).
[4] “Spectral theory on the hyperbolic manifold”, 津田塾大学数学・計算機科学研究所研究報告集, pp.1-10, (2006).
[5] “The Kloosterman sum and its applications”, 津田塾大学数学・計算機科学研究所研究報告集, pp.1-8, (2007).
[6] “Kloosterman和とスペクトル問題”, 津田塾大学数学・計算機科学研究所研究報告集, (2008).
[7] “Kloosterman和とスペクトル問題”, 「第一回 数論女性の集まり」報告集, pp.53-58, (2008).
[8] “The Gindikin-Karpelevich formula and crystal bases”, 津田塾大学数学・計算機科学研究所研究報告集Vol.2, pp1-12 (2008).
[9] “Casselman’s basis of Iwahori vectors for GL3”, 津田塾大学数学・計算機科学研究所研究報告集Vol.1, pp22-34 (2009).
[10] “Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomialとCasselman基底”, 「第三回 数論女性の集まり」報告集, pp.47-54,(2010).
[11] “Intertwining作用素とIwahori-Hecke algebra”, 表現論シンポジウム講演集, pp.1-9, (2010).
[12] “Gindikin-Karpelevich formulaの拡張”, 数理研講究録1738, pp.120-130, (2010).
[13] “Yang-Baxter方程式の応用”, 津田塾大学数学・計算機科学研究所研究報告集, (2010).
[14] “Yang Baxter方程式と対称関数”, 「第四回 数論女性の集まり」報告集,pp.22-31, (2011).
[15] “factorial Schur 関数の組合せ論的表示”, 津田塾大学数学・計算機科学研究所研究報告集, pp.1-8, (2011).
[16] “Tokuyama-type formula for factorial Schur functions”, 数理研講究録, (2011).
[17] “Six vertex modelとdual Cauchy identity”, 「第五回 数論女性の集まり」報告集, pp.29-34, (2012).
[18] “Casselman基底に対する明示公式”, 津田塾大学数学・計算機科学研究所研究報告集, (2012).
[19] “Factorial Schur functionsに対するTokuyama-type formula”, 数理解析研究所講究録1795, pp.88-99, (2012).
[20] “Gindikin-Karpelevich formulaの拡張とIwahori-Hecke algebra”「第六回数論女性の集まり」報告集, pp.35-44, (2013).
[21] “Casselman基底とYang-Baxter基底の対応”「第七回数論女性の集まり」報告集, pp.78-84, (2014).
[22] “ K-theoretic Schur P-function and set-valued decomposition tableaux”「第17回代数群と量子群の表現論」研究集会報告集, pp106-115, (2015). (with 池田岳)
[23] “ Casselman問題へのアプローチ法”, 「第八回数論女性の集まり」報告集,pp.63-71 (2015).
[24] “Jacobi-Trudi formula for some feature of Schur multiple zeta functions”, 「第九回数論女性の集まり」報告集,117-122, (2016). (with Ouamporn Phuksuwan)
[25] “Casselman基底と自然基底の変換係数”, 「第九回数論女性の集まり」報告集,90-96, (2016)
[26] “局所体上の主系列表現の基底”, 第14回城崎新人セミナー報告集, 1-10, (2017).
[27] “Skew Schur 多重ゼータ関数とその行列式表示“, 「第十回数論女性の集まり」報告集,61-69, (2017)
[28] “Schur type multiple zeta functions and its determinant formulae“, 「第3回Algebraic lie Theory and Representation Theory」報告集,122-132, (2017)
[29] “Kazhdan-Lusztig R-polynomialとCasselman基底に関する変換係数について“, 「第11回数論女性の集まり」報告集,54-60, (2018)
[30] “Schur多重ゼータ関数とその特殊値について“, 第63回代数学シンポジウム報告集,27-38, (2018)
[31] “Schur型多重ベルヌーイ数について”, Proceedings of the 12th Research Meeting of Women in Number Theory in Japan, pp.52-58, (2019).
[32] “Schur multiple zeta-functions of anti-hook type and zeta-functions of root systems”, 数理解析研究所講究録, (2020).
[33] “Parametrization of Kloosterman sets and SL3-Kloosterman sums”, 数理解析研究所講究録, (2020).(with Eren Mehmet Kiral)
[34] “Schur多重ゼータ関数とルート系のゼータ関数”, Proceedings of the 14th Research Meeting of Women in Number Theory in Japan, pp.38-45, (2021).


[Last modefied on May 25, 2022]